Private tutoring is an investment in time and money so it’s only natural to ask this question. Sometimes all a student needs is some guidance from a parent or older sibling or maybe just some help from a teacher before or after school help. If more intensive and structured intervention is needed, a tutor could be the answer.
Here are some signs that it might be time to hire a tutor:
Grades are Slipping
This might be obvious but if you notice a gradual or sudden decrease in grades, your child might need tutoring. Of course, there could be other reasons such as time management issues or extra-curricular activities. Take a look at what your child is doing when not at school. If this doesn’t seem to be the issue, meet with your child’s teacher. He or she can share work samples, observations, and suggestions for improvement.
Avoids (or Lies About) Doing Homework
Not all schools give students homework and among those that do, there is a wide difference in the amount of homework assigned. If your child consistently tells you she doesn’t have any homework or she’s already done it, it might be because she doesn’t know how to do it. If after confirming that your child did actually have homework that hasn’t been completed, have a conversation with her to find out what the issue is.
Lacks confidence
Just like the little engine who could, what your child tells himself will become reality. If he thinks he can, he’s right and if he thinks he can’t, he’s right. If your child believes he is not good at a subject, chances are he will give up at the first sign of struggle. Doubt about his abilities will start creeping in and soon enough he will convince himself that he can’t do the work.
Lacks Motivation
Your child may tell you she hates school or feels sick when it’s time to go to school. Kids have trouble accurately expressing their feelings sometimes so you may have to dig deeper to figure out what’s really going on.
Has Learning Disabilities/Differences
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or a processing issue, he may qualify for additional services from his school through the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). He may fall short of the criteria needed to receive special services but still need individualized attention than what he can get in the classroom.
A tutor can address these issues by:
Getting to know your child and her learning style
Providing instruction at an appropriate pace
Explaining ideas in a way your child will understand
Creating a learning environment where it’s OK to ask questions and make mistakes
Making him more confident in his abilities
Celebrating every success along the way
Click here if you think it’s time to hire a tutor for your child and would like to learn how Success Tutoring can help.